Central Maryland Unit Bylaws



Section 1 Parliamentary procedures for all meetings of the Unit and Executive Board shall be governed by the current edition of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED except when they are in conflict with the Constitution or Bylaws of this Club.

Section 2 The order of Business shall be:

A. Opening ceremony Invocation (non-sectarian) Pledge of Allegiance (The United States Pledge of Allegiance may be omitted at all WBCCI rallies, events, and functions held outside the United States)

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of Minutes

D. Reports of Officers and Committees

E. Special orders.

F. Unfinished business

G. New business

H. Treasurer’s Report

I. Announcements

J. Adjournment



Section 1 Standing Committees shall be:

A. Budget

B. Caravan

C. Constitution and Bylaws

D. Ethics and Grievances

E. Family/Youth

F. Historical

G. Hospitality

H. International Rally

I. Legislative

J. Membership

K. Publicity

L. Public Relations

M. Sunshine

N. Unit Supplies

The President shall appoint and be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

Section 2 All standing Committees shall consist of a Chairman and as many members as deemed necessary by the President. Chairman of Standing Committees shall report at each meeting of the Executive Board.



Section 1 Budget.  In cooperation with the incoming and outgoing Treasurer of the Unit, prepare for the Executive Board a budget projecting the Unit’s income and expenditures for the calendar (or Fiscal) next year.

Section 2 Caravan To plan, organize and obtain leaders for Unit Caravans that are operated or conducted for the Unit within the scope of the WBCCI Caravan Handbook. To develop an aggressive Unit Caravan program and to organize unit caravan matters with appropriate Region and International Caravan Committee personnel.

a. Constitution and Bylaws To conduct a continuing review and study of the Unit and the International Constitution and Bylaws and to make recommendations for any amendments or additions deemed desirable and in the best interest of the Club.

b. Ethics and Grievance To investigate and assess all grievances or complaints made by members and others and to make recommendations thereon to the Unit Executive Board.

c. Family/Youth To plan programs to encourage participation of family/Youth at Unit functions and to be the liaison person between the Unit and International Family/Youth Standing Committee.

d. Historical To record events including, written and/or pictorial material associated with Unit activity and to maintain a historical record of such.

e. Hospitality To receive and make welcome guests and new members at Club functions. Recommend ways to meet and greet members and guests at rallies and/or seasonal functions.

f. International Rally To make arrangements for a Unit breakfast, brunch or luncheon to be held at the International Rally, to design and create a Unit Bulletin board for display at the International Rally, to arrange transportation of said Bulletin board to the International Rally.

g. Legislative To study, advise and recommend legislation in the interest of the Club and its members, to recommend opposition to all legislation which is discriminatory and injurious to the interest of the Club and the members.

h. Membership To be the Unit/Club contact for prospective new members and explain the purpose and objectives of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International; to extend invitations to prospective members to attend a rally or meeting when making application for membership.

i. Publicity To collect newsworthy items of interest to club members and to publish monthly a newsletter containing past and future events of the Unit, Region and International; to publish yearly a roster in the form and content as directed by the Executive Board; to forward material to Headquarters for publishing in the Blue Beret and Directory with respect to the Unit’s activities schedule.

j. Public Relations To maintain communications with the International and Region Public Relations Committees for maintaining a continuing program of public relations between WBCCI and communities being exposed to rallies and caravans.

k. Sunshine To send cards to members who are ill or have experienced a death in the family and to inform all other members of the Unit of these member’s concerns through the Newsletter – or if appropriate, by phone.

l. Unit Supplies To make an inventory of all Unit owned supplies once a year; to maintain a stock of Unit, Region and International merchandise and have such stock available for sale to members.

Section 3 Special committees may be appointed by the President as required.



Section 1 A guest (or guests) sponsored and invited by a member in good standing may attend activities of the Unit. Members sponsoring such a guest shall pay one extra rally fee pr guest exclusive of the parking fee.

Section 2 A member in good standing in this Unit may sponsor and invite a prospective member to attend activities of the Unit.

Section 3 Members in good standing in the International Club may attend activities of the Unit, provided that such members, and where required, shall have made prior reservation for each attendance.

Section 4 The Unit, each calendar year, may host a Rally, Caravan or combination thereof with a recreational vehicle club not chartered by the Wally Byam Caravan Club International Inc., and it may conduct, twice each calendar year, a Buddy Rally or a Buddy Caravan or combination thereof to which each member may invite not more than one (1) non- member recreational vehicle family.



Section 1 The Executive Board shall, not less than ninety (90) days prior to the Unit’s annual Business Meeting, appoint a three (3) member nominating committee, who shall, after having obtained the prior acceptance for office and trustee to be filled if elected, place in nomination one candidate for each office and trustee to be filled by election, and submit a written report to the Executive Board, which shall distribute the report to the membership not less than fifteen (15) days prior to said Business Meeting. Additional candidates who have previously consented to accept the office if elected, may be placed in nomination from the floor of said meeting. No seconds are required for any nomination.



Section 1 The President shall:

· Preside at all meetings of the Unit and Executive Boar

· Enforce the Constitution and Bylaws

· Appoint all standing committees and

· Have such powers and duties as normally pertain to the principal executive officer.

Section 2 The First Vice President shall attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board and shall assist the President and assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.

Section 3 The Second Vice President shall:

· Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board

· Shall assist the President and the First Vice President in the absence of said officer

· Assume the duties of the President in the case of the absence of the President and the First Vice President

· Perform the duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 4 The Corresponding Secretary shall:

· Issue notice of all meetings of the Unit and Executive Board as prescribed in Article VI, Sections 1 and 2, and Article VIII Sections 2 of the Constitution

· Shall prepare an agenda of pending business for use by the presiding officer at each meeting

· Shall keep a register of all members of the Unit.

Section 5 The Recording Secretary

· Shall record and preserve the minutes of all official meetings of the Unit

· Shall mail copies of same to the members to the Executive Board not more than fifteen (15) days following each meeting;

· Shall record the attendance of the officers and trustees at each meeting and advise the presiding office if a quorum is present.

Section 6 The Treasurer

· Shall maintain the financial records of the Unit

· Shall receive all moneys and promptly deposit them in the bank previously approved by the Executive Board

· Shall notify members of expiration of dues and issue receipts for dues paid

· submit a full written report of finances to the Executive Board at each meeting and before retirement from office

· Shall have the books and accounts audited by a committee of not less no less than three (3) members selected by the incoming President;

· Shall deliver all books, monies and property of the Unit promptly to the incoming Treasurer.

· Any WBCCI entity, which employs one of the International Club’s Tax Identification numbers to conduct its financial affairs is required to file the applicable IRS Forms annually within five (5) months of the end of their fiscal year. The filing shall follow current guidelines, policy and procedures established by the IRS and WBCCI. The entity, not Headquarters, is responsible for filing the IRS forms and sending a copy to Headquarters. (7/22/17)

· Each WBCCI entity (Units, Regions, Intra-Clubs, and National Caravans) shall set up their own bank accounts in the name of their Unit, Region, Intra-Club, and National Caravan for receiving all money and paying all expenses through such accounts. Each entity is required to submit an annual accounting of beginning cash balance, cash receipts, disbursements and ending cash balance to Headquarters within 60 days of the entity’s year end and shall retain appropriate financial data in accordance with the established guidelines, policy, and procedures. (7/22/17)

Section 7 The duties of the Trustees

· Shall be as prescribed in the Constitution, Article V, Section 1 and

· To attend all meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board;

· To accept special assignment as directed by the President.



Section 1 The Executive Board shall appoint one delegate and one alternate from among the Officers and Regular Members who will attend the annual Delegates meeting of the parent organization, the Wally Byam Caravan Club International Inc. An Affiliate Member of this unit who is a regular member in the same region may be appointed if the unit has no regular Members who are going to attend the Delegates Meeting. Any vacancy occurring following such selection shall be filled by appointment by the President. The delegate should be instructed with respect to wishes of the Unit of the Unit on matters to come before the meeting. The President and Recording Secretary shall certify to these appointments.



Section 1 The Annual Unit Dues of Regular and Affiliate members shall be set by the Executive Board

Section 2 A member who fails to pay properly assessed International and Unit Dues before November 15 may not be listed in the Annual Membership Directory of the International Club for the following year. If the dues are not paid and receipted by the Treasurer on or before December 131, the membership will be terminated.



Section 1 All members shall abide by the following Code of Ethics:

A. To be ever mindful of our responsibility to the Wally Byam Caravan Club International Inc., and through conduct indicate to the public that membership in this organization is an assurance of our courtesy on the road and goodwill to all peoples and countries.

B. To say or print nothing which may reflect unfavorable on others and to dedicate ourselves to the work of cementing together the members of our Units and Club in bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding.

C. To conduct ourselves so as to inspire others also engaged in recreational vehicle travel to a full appreciation of the intent and meaning of this code.

D. To maintain our camps and parking areas in an orderly manner and to leave them in a neat and clean condition.



Section 1 Neither the Unit not it’s Officers are responsible for the loss of or damage to property or for injury or death of a person in the premises of any Club function. This freedom from responsibility for loss or damage to property applies regardless of whether that property has been received by any member or office or left upon the premises.



Section 1 The se Bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the Executive Board by two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to all members of the Executive Board in writing ten (10) prior to such meeting.

Section 2 Such amendments shall be effective upon adoption.



Section 1 In the event the members of this Unit deem it desirable for this Unit to merge with another Unit, or for the Unit to consolidate with other Units, or for the Unit to dissolve, the members shall, through the President of this Unit, follow the appropriate procedures as prescribed in ARTICLE VII, Section 1 through 6 of the Bylaws of the International Club. These procedures are in accordance with Section 501 © 7 of the International Club. Whether the Unit mergers with another Unit, or consolidates with other Units or the Unit dissolves, none of the funds or property of this Unit shall inure (1/19/07) to the benefit of any member.

These Bylaws were last amended and the amendments as adopted became effective on:

Date: May 15, 1998 at Harpers Ferry, WV

Date: May 14, 1999 at Newburg, Md

Date: Feb 12, 2018 at Linthicum, Md – amendment to Treasurer’s duties